Audio And Radio Services

"We Guarantee We Will"    

Contact you at home or website within 30 minutes after product is repaired.

Provide technical tips about the equipment that we repair to increase your knowledge about your product.

Establish and setup your audio equipment after repair, making sure that cabling connections are installed property.

Provide onsite test of equipment at your home or offices.

Try our best to accommodate whatever special needs you have after your product is returned to your home or office.

Keep you informed of any other potential problem that your equipment may have.

"Henderson Electronics Sample Of A Crystal Radio Dirgram"
In order to understand the crystal radio receiver you first have to understand were the "signal" or radio wave comes from and how it was made. The Transmitter A radio station is allowed to broadcast a radio wave. The radio wave is sort of like dropping a pebble into a pond of water.The ripples or waves radiate outward from where the pebble was droped in the water. Radio wave radiate outward from the radio stations antenna sort of like the waves in the pond. Radio waves are electromagnetic waves that travel through the air.

In order to understand the crystal radio receiver you first have to understand were the "signal" or radio wave comes from and how it was made. The Transmitter A radio station is allowed to broadcast a radio wave. The radio wave is sort of like dropping a pebble into a pond of water.The ripples or waves radiate outward from where the pebble was dropped in the water. Radio wave radiate outward from the radio stations antenna sort of like the waves in the pond. Radio waves are electromagnetic waves that travel through the air.